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  • Explanation:


    The Death card in the tarot deck embodies the concept of transformation. It signifies the inevitability of change and the need to let go of the old to make space for the new.


    The image of a skeleton represents the end of a phase or aspect of life. However, the card does not signify literal death but rather metaphorical death—letting go of what no longer serves us.


    The Death card serves as a reminder that transformation is a natural and essential part of life’s journey. It invites us to embrace change, release attachments, and shed old patterns or beliefs that no longer serve our growth.


    This card teaches us that through the process of transformation, we can experience profound growth, renewal, and new beginnings. It reminds us that endings are not always negative but can pave the way for positive change and personal evolution.


    By embracing the energy of the Death card, we can navigate transitions with grace, trust the process of transformation, and welcome the new opportunities that arise from releasing the old.

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  • Explanation:


    The Devil card in the tarot deck represents vices and temptation. It symbolizes the seductive allure of our lower desires and the negative patterns that can hold us back.


    The image of a figure surrounded by chains signifies the entrapment caused by our own attachments and addictions. The Devil card serves as a warning about the consequences of succumbing to temptations that hinder our personal growth.


    This card invites us to confront our inner demons and break free from unhealthy patterns. It reminds us that true liberation and empowerment come from recognizing and transcending the limitations we impose upon ourselves.


    The Devil card serves as a reminder to be mindful of our choices and behaviors, especially those driven by unhealthy desires or addictions. It urges us to question the illusions of satisfaction and pleasure that may lead us astray from our true path.


    By embracing the energy of the Devil card, we can gain awareness of our own vices and temptations, take responsibility for our actions, and work towards personal transformation and freedom from self-imposed limitations.

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